However you look at it, you can now know and understand that just because you feel anxious, it doesn’t mean anything bad is about to happen, or that your limiting narratives that tend to surface at this time are true. The trick is to look more deeply behind the face of the monster and see that it is simply the birthing and rebirthing of the soul in disguise…
Read MoreWhat does it mean to not be ready for something? How can you tell when it’s time to take action on something in your life, and why do we intend for things only to have them not come to pass?
Read MoreMuch has already been said anent the dynamics of narcissism and it’s bff, codependent empathy, but watching a former celebrity couple play out these polarities in a courtroom, live for all to see, truly brought a new layer of awareness and insight to how this relationship can manifest on the forefronts of a reality lived in full Technicolor.
Read MoreYou have to get comfortable with contrast, because so long as you’re alive it will always be present in some capacity, driving you towards greater growth. Your only solution is to learn how to be the force of stability in your own life that will move you through the contrast gracefully.
Read MoreAt the end of every day, and of every cycle of desire, there remains only one decision for man to make: either engage the creative energy of life that expresses through desire, or deny this same energy and in so doing, silence the voice of God that speaks within. It’s your choice.
Read MoreOnly when we have embraced our own masculine energy, our own ability to commit to the vision of the ideal life (and relationship) we are creating, will we attract men who can do the same.
Read MoreFear is not a problem to be solved, it’s a gift in the equation of expanding possibilities. It merely shows you where you are blocked so that you can recognize it all and return to the present.
Read MoreThese New Moon Horoscopes intend to inspire you to act in alignment with the universal energies at hand, allowing you to create more harmony and contentment in your life.
Read MoreAn invitation to reflect on the energies at play during this Full Moon in Gemini.
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