Depp vs. Heard: In Service to our Collective Awakening
Watching a former celebrity couple play out the dynamics of narcissism and its opposing polarity, codependent empathy, in a courtroom and live for all to see, truly awakened the collective to a new level of awareness and insight into how these kinds of relationships may manifest in a reality lived outside the safety of technicolor screens.
Many of us have experienced a partnership with a narcissist without knowing that was part of the problem. We found ourselves in a confused state, constantly wrong about something, with the other person taking no responsibility for their part in creating conflict of any kind.
Generally, the reasons we may find ourselves romantically involved with people like this are:
1. We have a parent with narcissistic tendencies
2. We’ve lost sight of our worth and value due to past abuse or simple naivety
It’s not easy for any of us to admit that we’ve participated in a relationship where we were abused, taken advantage of, or made to feel lesser than. There is one thing though, that we can all take solace in: it was intentional (on the part of our soul) and explicitly designed for our spiritual growth.
The truth is, there is a bit of the narcissist in every codependent-empath, and certainly a good deal of codependency in every narcissist, like the little yin within the yang and vice versa.
The narcissist within you is that aspect of yourself that is dying for you to recognize all of its good qualities. This aspect has been turned unconscious from your long-standing denial of your own value, hence your attraction to the narcissist, who is challenging your ability to love yourself.
Within your opposing polarities, you are actually mirroring silenced aspects of one another (in the case of the narcissist, it’s their ability to trust the good in others that has been silenced), and for all the chaos that’s being created, there is actually a balancing act actively happening.
You, as an empath, have something to learn from the narcissist. You have to learn what it means to be self-focused enough to draw clear boundaries, know and honour your needs, and have enough pride in yourself to take up space and feel worthy of sharing your thoughts and creations with the world.
The narcissist has much to learn as well. They need to understand the value of compromise in relationships, to gain awareness over their tendency towards projection and demonizing others, and to (above all things) find a way to face themselves and the consequences of their actions so that they can truly take responsibility and heal.
In any case, the reason this trial was so impactful and was being followed by so many people was that we could all on some level relate to the experience of these polar opposite relational dynamics coming together. At some point in our lives, we’ve each experienced them to some degree.
When codependency is a part of the karmic baggage you carry and are destined to alchemize, you’re more likely to find yourself weighed down by these kinds of dynamics in an intimate relationship, and that is truth; but even those who are relatively balanced when it comes to love of self and others will encounter these polarities in their experience of relationships.
In the end, we are all destined to take part in the duality of light and shadow within our personal relationships; and to that end, without a doubt one of the greatest services accomplished by this trial was airing out what love is and what it’s not.
Love is not constantly bending to another person’s will, or too easily compromising our needs and desires for the sake of a relationship.
Love doesn’t need a story or logical justification in our minds in order for it to continue.
Love is pure, simple and balanced.
It is not about worship, service, self-sacrifice or glamorization of the other. Love is what it is and will always be: free, expansive, profound, and inside of all things.
Ultimately, Depp vs. Heard served to open ancient collective wounds so that poison might be drawn from them.
Together, we journeyed through the astral realms of old relationships, current relationships, and the promise of a better understanding of future relationships through every detail that was explored in this trial.
We allowed the abuse that we’ve experienced to make us stronger, wiser and more mature, instead of shaming us into withdrawal, isolation and self-loathing.
If we can embrace the fact that Divine always knows best, we can accept that what has come to pass has been only to shape us into the people we are meant to be, and to allow us to move forward with greater access to our personal power, following the light into the true union of souls we all seek.
To that end, I’m wishing you all blessings on your journey and clarity on your path. Just remember, no matter what you meet along the way, the resolve to every hardship and heartache is already inside of you.